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Selamat Idul Fitri! Selamat merayakan dari rumah!

May 23, 2020

Tahun ini Lebaran kita rayakan bersama lewat layar. Semoga tidak mengurangi niatan minta maaf dan kelegaan memaafkan ya.  Mohon maaf lahir batin, semoga segala amal bakti kita diterima

WoFH: Work out From Home

April 25, 2020

Staying healthy at home? Doma Studio, one of our clients, is providing virtual  workout classes. Visit their instagram account for more info!

Ramadhan is on!

April 23, 2020

This year, most of us are feasting from home, whether we are doing it with our familiy, or alone. Bukber cannot be held as festive and loud as usual. But there are ways to connect. Find your local food chain, order it for your neighbors, family, and friends. Not only you can still do 'silahturahmi', you also support others' FnB businesses as well as deliveries. If you want to add your good karma, don't hesitate to tip :)

In the photo is the cookies my principal bought to help a local business and gave to me.

"To accompany you working from home," He said. -------I'm so touched T.T

#dirumahaja at Zen House

April 18, 2020

Bu Priscil, the owner of Zen House, gives her testimony aboubt our work. Physical distancing of course makes her stay at home longer than usual. Can the house perform well to accommocate the needs of the households?

"Bukan cuma WFH, tapi LFH (learn from home) alias sekolah dari rumah juga. Buat anak saya dia merasa enak juga ternyata ya “homeschooling” hahaha... Apalagi saya masih tetep bisa ngajar yoga secara online."

Subscribe our newsletter to read the whole interview!

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